Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Los Cronocrimenes (Timecrimes)

Time travel stories never fail to turn my brain around, sometimes to comical effect, sometimes frustratingly confusing, but there's always a layer of intrigue and possibility.  Los Cronocrimenes starts with a remarkably simple set up, sending one man into a race against his alter egos to maintain his own identity and uniqueness.
Settling into his new home, Hector relaxes in his back yard, looking around the woods through his binoculars.  He catches a glimpse of movement in the woods which turns out to be a young lady removing her shirt.  When he sees someone else, he goes to investigate and someone stabs him in the arm with a pair of scissors.  This madman with a bandage wrapped around his head starts chasing Hector, who takes refuge in some kind of lab nearby.  At the urging of the lone scientist working there, he hides in a big tub, and ends up travelling a few minutes backwards through time.  He realizes the dilemma he's in; to rectify it, he attempts to recreate the last few minutes, and discovers that he is the bandaged madman.  It gets pretty loopy from there.

As anyone who has ever seen a movie or read a book about time travel can attest, it's not easy cleaning up the messes caused by time travel, and meeting oneself is rarely without complications.  Los Cronocrimenes is admirable in that it spends little time dwelling with the mechanism of space travel or the cosmological questions.  There aren't a bunch of special effects.  It's simply a story of a man wanting to get home to his wife.  A critic on the DVD cover calls this "the perfect movie."  I don't know about all that, but it is good.

Bottom line, 3 stars.

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