This is a perfect Mel Gibson role: the grieving widower, the honest cop, the beacon of integrity, the passionate pursuer of justice in an unjust world. Any parent can relate to his deeply felt grief over the loss of his daughter. He finds a compassionate ear in an unlikely place: the mysterious British operative who is his hunter, informant, foe. It's not giving anything away to say that ulitmately justice is done in a satisfying (though tragic) way.
I don't mind badmouting corrupt politicians; they're all corrupt, some more than others. Ours is a sick political system rife with perverse incentives. But I do get tired of the businessman as the enemy. Granted, there are evil, corrupt businessmen; every walk of life is manned by fallen people who do bad things. But rarely are business people portrayed as heros, as people who contribute to society by employing people, investing in their communities, and enriching people's lives. Hollywood loves the evil businessman. Edge of Darkness is an enjoyable movie but it feeds into the destructive anti-corporate, anti-business mentality.
Bottom line, 2 1/2 stars.